Certified Nurse Assistants are expecting a job increase of 1.7 million by 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics. To account for this expected boost, there should be better infrastructure for Bls certification nyc has to offer. As such, nurse assistant candidates should learn many things in CNA training NYC has to offer. In addition to phlebotomy certification nyC has to offer, CNA candidates can take medical billing and coding training in NYC. Medical billing and coding training in NYC allows them not just to navigate the bureaucracy of health care, but also become more efficient CNAs that make money for their employers.
CNAs with medical billing and coding training in NYC can choose a variety of careers. One career is as a phlebotomist. A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood from a vein, often for medical tests and other treatment. Derived from the ancient practice of bloodletting, phlebotomy today is much more refined. The average salary for a New York phlebotomist currently stands at $37,000, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a growth of 16 percent in the next six years. Needless to say, phlebotomy training nyC offers is easy to find, with or without medical billing and coding training in NYC.
Another career that CNAs with medical billing and coding training in NYC can do is as a home health aid. Home health aids perform a variety of tasks, and they do not have to be purely medical. Some home health aides do cleaning and cooking. Others help their patients with paperwork, often with paying medical bills. That is why medical billing and coding training in NYC is so important. Still others act as first responders. When the patient is in an emergency, the intimate knowledge a home health aid has of a patient can help save lives.
There are a variety of career tracks a CNA can take. Anyone interested in signing up for a course should see if the course offers medical billing and coding training in NYC, and other needed courses. Given the expected growth rate of many CNA careers, this is a choice they will not regret.