You know what Frankenstein said to me the other day while we were getting coffee? “Buying first home.” What a cut up, that guy. Then I realized he was serious! I never thought I would hear the day that the big guy would finally settle down with the misses. Then, as you know how much of a prankster the guy is, I eyed him incredulously and responded with “Seriously, Franky?” He smiled his botox smile, and nodded as much as he can nod, it is more like bending at the waist vigorously, and said again, excitement in his dead eyes, “Buying first home!”
“Where, Frank? We both know that you have quite the inheritance from the doctor, so where are you going to spend that money?”
He smiled again and said “Jackson Wyoming real estate. Luxury log homes.” I looked at him, dumbfounded. I knew there were some pretty high end log homes for Jackson hole real estate, I just never saw Frank as being a Wyoming kind of guy. When he saw the look on my face, he pulled out a brochure and handed it to me, saying “Real estate jackson hole.”
He sipped at his macchiato while I looked at the pamphlet, and instantly saw the benefit to going out there. He certainly had the money to buy a home in Jackson, whose average home listing for the week ending on the 24th of October in 2012 was just under $2.5 million. And it also said that Jackson Hole is the big valley in Wyoming, while Jackson is the major town in there. I was a little concerned about the finances, and expressed them to Frank, but he just pointed out another paragraph as he daintily nibbled his scone. Get this, Wyoming has the second lowest personal tax burden in the whole nation, and has been named the Best Place to Do Business for seven years straight. I know, he will finally be able to open that bakery that he has always wanted to. I am so happy for him.
And what sealed the deal for him was how excited the misses was for what is just outside of Jackson. The National Elk Refuge. It is the biggest preserve in North America. I know, she is going to love it. Over the winter, it can be home to up to 90,000 elk. After I read this, I smiled to myself, patted the big guy on the giant shoulder, and simply said “Buying first home.”