The first income tax law of America was established by Congress in 1862 to provide support for the Civil War effort. At that time, somebody with a salary from 600 dollars to 10,000 dollars was required to pay taxes at a rate of 3 percent. Since that time, several taxpayers have struggled with IRS garnishment.
IRS garnishments are tax penalties that require a third party, such as an employer, to pay IRS tax debt to the government. In such a case, the money would be taken out of the wages of the employee. If a person is under DATC (or Doubt as to Collectibility), that person will never fully be able to pay back their tax debt.
In order to help struggling taxpayers, the OIC (or Offer in Compromise) program allows some individuals to reach a tax debt settlement with the IRS. This provides tax debt relief because the negotiated amount to be paid is less than the amount that the taxpayer owes.
In 2001, the biggest the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act was the biggest tax cut that George W. Bush signed into law. It helped to create back tax relief against such procedures as IRS garnishment. As long as their is government, people will have to pay taxes, but having help with taxes and tax debt can help to prevent IRS garnishments. To learn more, read this: ctaxrelief.com