Are you familiar with turbidity curtains? During near water construction activities and dredging operations, they contain the sediment and silt stirred up during production. Turbidity curtains are also know as turbidity barriers or silt barriers, and they minimize the impact of industrial operations on nearby wildlife and recreation areas. Turbidity control is used to help individuals conform to regulations and requirements. Without them, the impact of construction could have long reaching effects on the local environment as a result of solid debris being redistributed.
Silt barriers in three basic types, the right one for use depends on the project location as well as water conditions. They are used for construction jobs such as shoreline restoration and rehabilitation, marina projects like bulkheads and retaining walls, and port and terminal projects like breakwaters.
Oil skimmers are machines that separate particles floating in a liquid, usually oil. Oil skimmers are often used for oil spills, but there are many industrial applications for them as well. There are three basic types of oil skimmers, and these are weir, oleophilic, and non oleophilic. Oleophilic skimmers are popular for use as oil spill response equipment and were involved in cleanup of the infamous Exxon spill.