24 Hour Urgent Care facilities are seeing a huge spike in their popularity recently. We’ve all seen the reports on various news channels about the ridiculous waits people are having to endure when heading to their local hospital’s Emergency Department. Consider the 2010 study by Rand Corporation that found nearly 20 percent of ER visitors could be treated at their family Urgent Care center, saving nearly four and a half billion dollars annually in healthcare costs. Luckily, for people without truly life threatening conditions after hours urgent care providers are a great, convenient alternative.
The whole point of Urgent Care centers is to relieve overburdened Emergency Rooms by helping patients who have injuries and illnesses that are not life threatening. The 24 hr Urgent Care center brings in the patient, does what it needs to, and then recommends the patient follow up with their primary care provider as soon as possible. These facilities are especially well thought of because they are much more able to provide immediate care than others. Many states across the US have facilities that can prescribe and give medications to their patients on site before they leave the building.
What types of ailments can your closest urgent care center provide? Help with the common cold, which the average child catches six to ten of every year. There are nearly seven million broken bones in the United States every year. Thankfully, this is another problem after hours urgent care centers can help with, taking stress off Emergency Rooms and shrinking wait times for their patients.
Many people are concerned with urgent care cost. Well, many Urgent Care centers offer around the clock, immediate care. This convenience can often lead to elevated prices because of the cost of keeping business going 24 hours a day, at almost no wait. The prices are not usurious. If they are above ER prices, it is often only barely.
Still, despite the issue of cost, Urgent Care facilities are looking to become a mainstay in American healthcare. They offer fast, effective care without the wait of the more traditional Emergency Room. Get more here. More. Read more.