Most use of chain slings will require crane safety training, fall protection training, forklift safety training or rigging safety training. Any time that you are going to be responsible for the use of lifting slings, it is important to know what you are doing. Cranes have been popular as a method to lift or move any heavy object since the ancient Greeks used men and donkeys to power primitive versions of cranes. Today, the use of lifting slings and other objects that are popular among crane operators, including the steel bushing chain that has been used on bicycles, in rear wheel drive trains of early cars and even with the propeller in the 1903 airplane flight by the Wright brothers, all require some form of training that goes beyond the simple use of a donkey or a fellow human being. The heavy machinery associated with the use of lifting slings should necessitate training at any general contractor, auto service garage, industrial plant or factory and any other place lifting slings might get used.
Wire rope consists of several strands that are made from metal wire, often steel, and then twisted into a helix shape. There are also double braid ropes, which have an inner and outer braid, and can be made from more than one material at a time usually as a way to rely on the inner braid for its strength and the outer braid made of a fiber to resist abrasion. If this material is going to be used with lifting slings that your company relies on every day, be sure that you are getting the best quality of slings available on the market. The highest quality of sling or rope is going to ensure the ongoing safety of people on your staff that make use of these tools every day.
There are fossilized fragments of rope that was about 7 millimeters that were discovered in Lascaux caves that date back to about 15,000 B.C. naturally, the use of rope has evolved considerably since these fossilized fragments were considered the standard. In addition to better rope and technology powering the use of those ropes, safety training programs have also come along that will help any person that utilizes slings and ropes to stay safe. Learn more about where to order the best lifting slings for your use and learn as much as you can about safety training as well.